Biomass cogeneration

BIOENERGIE is a greenfield biomass cogeneration (residues from the wood industry) under construction, which will produce 18 MW of electricity and 27 MW of renewable heat. The plant is located in Wismar in northern Germany on the Baltic Sea.

This project is a key solution for the decarbonisation of heat supplied to the wood processing industry for their industrial processes. First synchronization to the electricity grid took place in August 2023.

The plant will supply heat to the wood pellet manufacturer Wismar Pellets and the sawmill ILIM Nordic Timber. In November 2020, the project was granted a feed-in tariff for its electricity production under the renewable energy law for a period of 20 years.

Through the production of renewable heat and electricity, the Bioenergie Wismar project will contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 100,694 tonnes of CO2 per year.

Environmental impacts Units Annual basis Asset lifetime 
Renewable electrical energy   MWhe 146 400 5 840 000
Renewable thermal energy   MWth 240 000 9 600 000
Avoided emissions  tCO2 90 000 3 600 000
Biomass sourcing: regional forest residues and waste wood – certified RED II
Social impacts Units Headcount
Direct jobs related to operations FTE 25
Direct jobs related to the biomass supply chain  FTE 113
Direct jobs in industrial activities maintained FTE 542
Population served with electricity Households 47 800